Monday, December 14th, 2009

Woooo-weee! Happy holidays to those who partake in the season of giving! Hope it is a fruitful year for y’all!
Either way we slice it, there are still events happening with regards to musical arts and culture. Here is the CIVL Weekly Round-up:
Monday December 14th 2009:
The Left/Aidan Knight/Parlour Steps at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver
Tuesday December 15th 2009:
Sloan at the Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver
Wednesday December 16th 2009:
Harma White at the Airfair Lounge in Abbotsford
Rock and Roll Pizza Party: The Tranzmitors/Manic Attracts/Student Teacher at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver
Thursday December 17th 2009:
Street Sisters Project Fundraiser: Leela Gilday/Shelia Maracle/Inez/Rex Smallboy/Curtis Ahenakew at the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver
Blastramp: Tight Solid/MY!GAY!HUSBAND! at the Bourbon in Vancouver
Friday December 18th 2009:
Women of Britain/GSTS/Rags to Radio at the Bad Dog Grill in Mission
The Magician and the Gates of Love/Raise Your Kids Well/Kidnap Kids at Cafe Deux Soleils in Vancouver
The Mental Beast Christmas Party and Compilation Release: Brasstronaut, Machu Picchu, Fine Mist, Makeout Videotape, World Club, Needles & Pins, Analog Bell Service, Rose Melberg, Basketball, Tight Solid, Vancougar, Apollo Ghosts at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver
WZRDZ/Joint Chiefs of Math at Pats Pub in Vancouver
Motorama/Likely Rads/Aging Youth Gang/Powderkeg at El Dorado Pub in Vancouver
Hey Ocean/Current Swell at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver
Saturday December 19th 2009:
XMAS Punk Party: Uptown Riot/GSTS/The Real Problems at El Dorado Pub in Vancouver
Nylithia/Skullhammer/Excruciating Pain/Galgamex at the Rickshaw Theatre in Vancouver
Glory Days: White Lung/Cobra Snake at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver
Bad One/The Receptionists at Pats Pub in Vancouver
Sunday December 20th 2009:
Nothing on our radar. Try visiting your close family and friends for ideas.
Tags: aging youth gang, aidan knight, analog bell service, apollo ghost, Basketball, Brasstronaut, current swell, curtis ahenakew, excruciating pain, Fine Mist, galgamex, Gsts, harma white, hey ocean, inez, joint chiefs of math, kidnap kids, leela gilday, likely rads, machu picchu, makeout videotape, manic attracts, motorama, needles and pins, nylithia, parlour steps, powderkeg, rags to radio, raised your kids well, rex smallboy, rose melberg, shelia maracle, skullhammer, sloan, student teacher, the left, The Magician, the real problems, the receptionists, the tranzmitors, tight solid, uptown riot, Vancougar, white lung, women of britain, world club, wzrdr
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Monday, November 30th, 2009
Tags: airfair lounge, Aunts and Uncles, Basketball, Biltmore Cabaret, Black Wizard, Bleating Hearts, Carnival Nights, Carolyn Mark, CITR, civl weekly roundup, Commodore Ballroom, Dan Mack, El Dorado, Fanshaw, Gwar, harma white, hidden towers, Honey, Hot Panda, Illiterature, jakartah, Japandroids, Just Noise, Kathrn Calders, Kellarissa, Media Club, Merciless Onslaught, Mint Records, modern creatures, Mutiny Jordan T West, North or Die, oh no! yoko, pat's pub, pompoir, Priestess, Pro Nails, Quite Testy, Railway Club, Shindig, SSRIs, Stryker, The Magician, The Pack AD, the parallels, The Tremulance, twin crystals, Vancougar, VASA, War Hero, Whats Wrong Tohe, Wild Life
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