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CIVL News » 101.7 FM

Posts Tagged ‘101.7 FM’

Giveaways Galore! Papermaps/Sled Island/Roller Derby!

Friday, May 13th, 2011

What an exciting week for CiVL Radio listeners!

This coming week you can be the proud recipient of one of a triad of unique prize opportunities just by listening and calling into CIVL Radio!

1) On Wednesday, between 12-3 pm on the Vinyl Spinner with DJ Johnny K and DJ Jenia, listeners will not only get to hear an interview with Dean of Papermaps off the top of the show, but CiVL is offering no less than 5, yes, FIVE free copies of Papermaps new 7″ Vinyl release!

2) The Reign Valley Vixens, Abbotsford’s home Roller Derby Team, are skating off against Edmonton’s Oil City Tanker Girls and The Sunshine Coast Roller Girls on Saturday, May, 28th, at MSA Arena in Abbotsford for a double feature to support the fight against breast cancer! The event is called the Second Annual Battle for Boobs, and you can Facebook Rolling Over Cancer. CiVL are lucky enough to give away TEN (10) free pairs of tickets to this event, so stay tuned and check CIVL Radio on Facebook regularly for updates on when to win, starting with Daryl Johnson on Disposable Existence this Monday between 1-3 pm.

3) As previously mentioned, Sled Island is offering CiVL two pairs of passes to the Main Site on Friday, June, 24th to see C’mon, Bison B.C., The Sword, The Buzzcocks, and Sleep. Tune in this Monday between 3-4 pm to hear Larry Portelance give away the goods on the Can Con Container Ship!

CIVL Radio Host Releases Book of Poetry!

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

CIVL Radio is very proud to announce the release of “Colours of My Heart”, a book of poetry by Apni Awazz Host Surjeet Kalsey.

Apni Awazz is CIVL 101.7 FM’s longest concurrent multi-cultural program, a springboard from which CIVL was able to accept the Abbotsford Community Services’ Cultural Diversity Award for Outreach in March of this year.

Two events will be celebrating the release of this work:

May 15 between 2-4 pm at Renaissance Books, 43 6th St. in New Westminster

May 16 from 6 - 8 pm at the UFV Abbotsford Campus, Building F, Room 125, at the Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies

Surjeet has received a plethora of awards on behalf of her own literary works, as well as translating the work of others, and has been recognized on local, regional, provincial, national, and international platforms. Read more about these impressive achievements here.

CIVL is truly thankful to be able to have such a valuable contributor to cultural development and sustainability as one of our own volunteer programmers, and is excited about the release of this new piece of literature.

Read the following review of “Colours of My Heart”:

Surjeet Kalseys Book of Poems Colours of My Heart is an introspective perspective of the plight of all women. Kalseys selection and placement of words weaves a poetic pathway that awakens and heightens the readers senses. Her use of colour as a definition for emotion paints from a palette all women can identify with a world where men and women betray each other, ie: Jealousy: so they prey on other womens partners; with exotic lingerie and vodka, they hunt their prey, and suck on male vulnerabilities… Her writing is provocative, hopeful and empowering.
– Valerie B.-Taylor
President/Facilitator New West Writers
Co-ordinator/Facilitator Renaissance Book Writers

Abbotsford MP Candidates on CIVL April 18th!

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

Abbotsford News - Election debate hits the airwaves.

As reported (above) by the Abbotsford News, CIVL Radio 101.7 FM is hosting the Abbotsford Candidates in the May 2nd Federal Election from the Green (Daniel Bryce), National Democratic (David Murray), Liberal (Madeleine Hardin), and Conservative (Ed Fast) Parties of Canada, for a full hour on Monday, April 18th, 2011, between 10 and 11 am on The Way I See It with Justin P. Goodrich. Each question will be posed to each candidate, one by one, with the candidates receiving a 1 minute timed opportunity to respond, and a 30 second opportunity to retort to their opponents.

Listen to The Way I See It from April, 11th, 2011 to hear CIVL Radio President Dustin Ellis preview some of the important election issues for CIVL Radio listeners, in advance of this Monday’s all candidates episode.

(Photo via

Don’t forget: later on that evening, University of the Fraser Valley will host an Abbotsford all candidates debate on campus which the public is very welcome to attend.

The event will take place in Room B101 on the Abbotsford Campus:

All Candidates Meeting Format

6 pm – Candidates are welcome to set-up information booths outside B101 (tables will be provided)

6:30 pm – Coffee and Tea are available, doors open

7 pm – Welcome and Introduction to the meeting format

7:05 pm – Candidates Introduce Themselves (a light system will be used: 3 minutes each – Green light means 0 – 1:59, Yellow light means 2:00 – 2:59, Red light means 3:00 ‘time is up’)

7:30 pm – Written Questions from the Audience (vetted by the student panel)

- Questions may be directed to particular candidates or all candidates

- All candidates will be given the opportunity to answer any question

- Candidates will receive three rebuttal cards that will allow them to respond to the claims of other candidates (that is speak twice or more on a particular issue) – but will “spend” a rebuttal card each time they do so

- Candidates will be given two minutes to answer or rebut (the light system will be used; green light means 0 – 1:29, yellow light means 1:30 – 1:59, red light means 2:00 ‘time is up’)

8:45 pm – Candidates have two minutes each to make a closing statement (the same 2 minute light system will be used)

9:00 pm – Meeting is concluded and the audience has an opportunity to speak to the candidates personally.

For Chilliwack Voters:

The Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon community is invited to participate by submitting their questions and attending the UFV Chilliwack Federal Election All Candidates Debate on Tuesday, April 19 at 7:00pm in the Theatre

There will not be an open mic session. Questions should be submitted by Friday, April 15 to, by Twitter @UFVstudentlife or by phone at 604-792-0025 x 2509.

There will be an index card provided to each attendee for pressing questions to be written on and passed to the moderator. Following the two hour debate, UFV Student Life invites all candidates to mingle with their constituents while refreshments are served.

The University of the Fraser Valley Chilliwack campus is located at 45635 Yale Road.

CIVL Wins Outreach Award at Fraser Valley CDAs

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

As announced, CIVL Radio was nominated for two awards at the 9th annual Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards, which took place this past weekend in Abbotsford.

The sold out event was a resounding success, with some of the Valley’s most active community partners in attendance. Check out this link to find out more:

Abbotsford Community Service from Brent Johnson on Vimeo.

CIVL Radio, honoured by the nominations for Inclusive Environment and Marketing/Outreach, was blown away upon being announced as the 2011 Outreach Award recipient at the Friday evening event.

Great thanks go out to everyone involved in CIVL Radio, and the culture and community we strive to support throughout the Fraser Valley.

(Photo Courtesy of Rick Rake)

The Cultural Diversity Awards celebrate their 10th anniversary next year, and CIVL is proud to be a part of this vital community event.

The Reggae Planet Radio Showcase Tributes MLK

Saturday, January 22nd, 2011

This past week marks the 82nd anniversary of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday, and in tribute to this pillar of human rights and the African American struggle for equality in the United States, The Reggae Planet Radio Showcase and The Dancehall Extravaganza aired a special broadcast of a lesser known speech by Dr. King, “Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam” at both 10:30 am and 12:30 pm today, Saturday, January 22nd.

Listen to the entire broadcast by clicking the Reggae Planet link above, and choosing the podcast links for the associated hours.

The Dr.’s words are no less meaningful over 40 years later, and CIVL Radio is proud to provide such relevant historical programming.

CIVL Radio in the Times

Friday, January 7th, 2011

CIVL Radio is in today’s edition of the Abbotsford-Mission Times, page 5!

This is the second appearance CIVL Radio has made in as many weeks within the pages of local newspapers, the first of which came last week when the Punjabi Patrika printed a blurb about the variety of Punjabi programming available on CIVL 101.7 FM on Sundays and Mondays.

CIVL Radio would like to thank the Times for their continued coverage of 101.7 FM. There’s much more to come!

2010 !earshot Top 200 CIVL Radio Faves

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

!earshot-online home

!earshot is the National Campus and Community Radio Report, wherein campus and community radio stations from around the country report their top played albums each week.

You can see the work of the diligent CIVL Radio Music Librarians, Becky Makepeace and Alicia Williams here, where all of our charts this year have been archived at These represent the 30 most played albums on CIVL Radio each week.

!earshot has just released it’s list of the top 200 most played albums on campus and community radio in Canada for 2010, and some notable Abbotsfordians, Vancouverites, and CIVL Radio favorites have been rewarded for their hard work and great music with spots on that list!

Here’s a few of the albums CIVL Radio knows are some of YOUR favorites, with their 2010 !earshot top 200 rankings!

(Rank. Artist - Title - Label) * BC ** Abbotsford

3. New Pornographers - Together - Last Gang *

10. Women - Public Strain - Flemish Eye

13. Black Mountain - Wilderness Heart - Outside *

15. The Pack A.D. - We Kill Computers - Mint *

43. You Say Party! - XXXX - Paper Bag ** (Headliner CIVL Stage 2)

65. Hannah Georgas - This is Good - Hidden Pony *

78. B.A. Johnston - Thank You For Being A Friend - Just Friends (Headliner CIVL Stage 4)

128. The Zolas - Tic Toc Tic - Lotus Child *

142. White Lung - It’s the Evil - Deranged * (Headliner CIVL Stage 6)

193. Bison B.CDark Ages - Metal Blade*

(Click on band or label names to redirect to their websites.)

Other BC bands were on the list, but these were the ten that stood out as most represented by CIVL Radio and the charts we’ve put out this year, our first participating in !earshot reporting.

CIVL Radio To Host A Concert Series Called The CIVL Stage

Tuesday, August 17th, 2010


ABBOTSFORD, BC - CIVL Radio has partnered with the UFV Student Union Society (SUS) and the Cascade Newspaper to host a concert series called the CIVL Stage at Casey’s on Campus. The first night of the the CIVL Stage will be on Friday Sept 3 in which Abbotsford’s The Progressive Thinker and Women of Britain will perform along with Vancouver’s Petroleum By-Product.

The CIVL Stage will help keep the independent music torch alive after the Atangard Community Project re-ignited it with the Jam In Jubilee. After seeing the Jam In Jubilee wrap-up on Aug 12, new CIVL Radio Station Manager Aaron Levy said that “it was great to see what’s happening in the local music scene.”

A newcomer to Abbotsford, Levy goes on to say that despite the success of the Jam In Jubilee, “there still seems to be a common concern within the local music scene about the lack of venue space in the Abbotsford. The CIVL Stage is about getting other student organizations, such as the SUS and the Cascade Newspaper, on board with addressing this concern at Casey’s on Campus.”

At the CIVL Stage some things will be different from the Jam In Jubilee. There will be a five dollar admission to each concert and it will be a nineteen-plus event. CIVL Radio’s Promotions Director Larry Portelance says “the CIVL Stage is an event for and by young adults who don’t mind their music a bit unpolished and gritty. If one is familiar with !earshot campus and community charts, then one will be familiar with the kind of music the CIVL Stage is trying to promote.”

Portelance also said “the performers for the CIVL Stage will range from indie-pop to new-wave, pop-punk to lo-fi. The aim is to give the students of UFV and members of the community two rock and roll shows that will also give them something to talk about before Dis-O hits the Green on Sept 23.”

On the headliner for Saturday Sept 18, Portelance says “I just cannot say who it is. I must respect the performer’s request to not announce it until Sept 3. But stay tuned to our various social media presences or check out our CIVL Stage website for more information.”

The CIVL Stage was made possible with contributions from SUS, the Cascade Newspaper and CIVL Radio. These events will also have a dedicated team of student volunteers to make it happen. For more information follow CIVL Radio’s tweets @CIVL_Radio, like CIVL.Radio on facebook, or go to the CIVL Stage website at


For the !earshot campus and community charts, go to

Don’t forget to listen to CIVL Radio at Just click on the ear to listen!

For more information, email

For the facebook event, click here.